• The Breakfast Cafe Where Customers Don't Have to Pay   

Excerpt from BBC

It's a normal morning at a busy north-east London cafe.

Cutlery clinks as people eat and chatter with those on neighbouring tables and children shout greetings as friends from school come through the door.

But Eggs & Bread in Walthamstow is not your usual brunch spot.

Customers can sit down, enjoy a hearty breakfast and walk out - without paying.

The project is one of dozens of non-for-profit "pay-what-you-like" cafes popping up across the UK.

Customers are asked to donate as much as they like - or are able - when they visit.

And if they can't pay? No problem.

Outside Eggs & Bread a sign boasts it offers the shortest menu on the street - just boiled eggs, toast and porridge, with tea, coffee and orange juice to drink.

Those that can afford to are asked pop their money in the discreet "contributions" box mounted on the wall, so no-one ever really knows how much others have paid - or not paid.

Click here to read complete article at BBC.