Choose the staff who make your business inviting to customers and profitable for you

Your customers are looking for more than the latest model or best price. They want to engage with employees who not only know the products and services, but are also sensitive to their needs. Savvy business owners treasure the peace of mind that comes from having employees with whom they can communicate easily, and are eager to help the business be successful.

Have you ever lost sleep over having to reprimand or fire an employee? Most likely this due to an unpleasant interaction with a customer or co-worker. Many managers were taught to look for candidates with a background in needed skills. For businesses that depend on excellent customer service, it's often wiser to hire people who naturally care about others. This is because it is easier to train good-hearted people in practical skills than to try to teach empathy.

You may wonder if you have the knowledge, skill, or patience to direct such a hiring process. Take heart. If you love your business and know your customers, you have all the information you need.

Hire In Haste, Repent In Leisure
It's tempting to hire someone after one lively conversation. However, this magical feeling of rapport is only one of many important elements that may indicate a good fit. A thorough hiring process benefits everyone. You gain the confidence to make a commitment to new employees, and they are invited to communicate honestly with you.

For twenty years as a psychotherapist and business consultant, I have counseled business owners in solving problems caused by mismatched, unproductive, or insensitive personnel. The best way to avoid this struggle is to use a hiring process that highlights interpersonal qualities as well as an aptitude for the job.

Three Elements of a Thorough Hiring Process
To identify a candidate's personal qualities, a hiring process needs three distinct elements of screening, probation, and evaluation. Each step gives you the opportunity to determine if a prospective employee can help you meet the goals unique to your business. No one can hurry this exploration and count on good results.

Using all three elements allows you to detach from the natural tendency to want to like and be liked. You are not pressured to make an important decision with too little information. Your reward will be finding employees who make your business a delight for the customers, co-workers, and you.

A. Screening For Qualities As Well As Skills
Promise yourself to base this important decision on more than an initial interview. People who shine under pressure and claim dazzling skills will not necessarily have empathy for customers or loyalty to you. Someone who appears less confident initially may turn out to be an ideal employee.

Make sure the job application includes questions to answer in writing: describe interests, unusual background, or skills. Find out if they are artists or photographers, what their hobbies are. Where have they traveled? What books do they read?

You can sense how they'd interact with your customers while discussing their interests and experience. You can weigh their ability to carry on unpressured conversation, which is a basis of good sales and customer satisfaction.

Getting the Most from the Initial Interview
This is where you learn if job candidates follow your instructions, respect your time, and how they would dress for work. Schedule at least an hour--you do not want to hurry this process. Use the following guidelines to make your meeting as productive as possible:

• Throughout the interview, remind yourself to stay neutral and avoid showing negative reactions or giving eager praise during an interview. Breathe easily to keep calm and centered. Allow short silences between your questions. Pay attention to expressions and body language as well as words.

• Hold the interview at your business, even if it means meeting before or after regular working hours. It's important for them to see the workplace and for you to watch their responses.

• Make it clear you want them to arrive on time, dressed for work, with a fully completed application, and three work and two personal references.

• Ask them to write their reasons for wanting to work in your business. Include a request to write briefly about personal interests and unique experiences. Note if the handwriting is legible (ask for a sample during this meeting if the application is typed).

Begin the interview by reading the application with care. Did they follow instructions? How do they communicate in writing? Invite them to discuss work and life experiences, and if there was anything they want to add after they've seen your business. Notice if they interrupt you and how thoughtfully they answer questions. You're looking for clues about their ability to listen to customers and other staff.

Use Educational Questions In Screening
Always use a script when interviewing candidates. Prepared questions allow you to focus on the most important topics. Avoid setting them up for 'yes/no' answers. Take this opportunity to educate them about the responsibilities of the job.

Give real examples from your own experience. You want them to see the importance of discretion and customer service. Let their answers direct your follow-up comments and queries to disclose their strengths and limitations. The following questions take you deeper than surface impressions.

• What do you imagine you would like best about working here?

Caution: a) 'It'll be easier than my last job.' b) 'The hours fit my school/other job schedule.' c) 'I don't know.' or 'I haven't thought about it.'

Welcome: a) 'I love the kinds of projects and products you have.' b) 'I like helping people.' c) 'I'm intrigued by what you do/sell.'

Follow up comment and questions: The most important part of the job may be helping customers who are looking for solutions. Some will be anxious about discussing private problems with a stranger. Ask your prospective employee:

• How would you go about helping a customer feel welcome?

• How do you think you would handle a delicate or complicated request if you didn't know what resources we could offer?'

Give examples of the kinds of customer questions or problems typically faced in your business. Listen to the response to determine the prospect's level of skill, sensitivity, and personal style.

The job is undoubtedly more complicated than an applicant could initially perceive. Discuss challenges you've had to handle in your business. Then ask the prospect:

• How do you best learn new skills and routines?

Caution: a) 'Just tell me what to do.' a) 'I don't know' (or a shrug). c) 'I can handle it, it's not that different from my last job.'

Welcome: a) 'Show me exactly how you want me to do things.' b) 'Explain how I can do things the best way possible.' c) 'I'll watch and ask other staff.' d) 'I'd love to learn more about ______.'

Follow-up comment and questions: It's your job to watch for where employees are doing well and where they need training. This includes appearance and work habits, and how they interact with you, other staff, and customers. Pay attention to how they talk to you. Will you enjoy training them? Do you think this candidate will be able to ask questions of you?

To get a picture of how the employee views challenges at work, ask:

• What do you guess your biggest challenge working here might be?

• What were difficult elements of your last job? Also, tell me about your favorite parts.

Caution: a) Notice body language: Is she really thinking, or merely treating these as tricky questions? b) Quick denial that there could be any challenges. c) Defensive or blaming comments about her last boss or co-workers.

Welcome: a) She meets your gaze and gives genuine responses that reveal self-doubts or fears. b) Talks about previous employment with a positive spin on facing difficulties; honest assessment about why she didn't work out there. c) Likes similar elements of this job opening.

Follow-up comments and questions: Everyone starting a new job runs into obstacles. They need to ask questions and suggest new ideas. When someone makes a mistake, they need to be able to come to their supervisor and explain what happened. Ask:

• How might we work together to avoid the problems you had in other work situations?'

Reflect on the Applicant's Answers
Hold back any indication you might hire the applicant, and explain you need time to consider all factors. Reflect on the interview by asking yourself if she really listened. Did she show interest in the issues that were important to you? What is your sense about how she would assist a confused or dissatisfied customer?

If you are undecided, meet with her again. A second interview allows time to present your specific concerns. You also confirm how important this job opening is to you.

Always call the references. Describe the specifics of the position and ask if there might be an area where she'd shine or need training. Ask if they would consider hiring her for such a position.

Previous employers seldom speak directly about poor performance or even major problems. Still, you can gather subtle clues by reading the tone and hesitations to your questions. A glowing report will reinforce your own positive response.

B. The Probation Period Reduces Stress For Everyone
Once you have decided to offer someone a probationary position, make the details absolutely clear. How are wages and responsibilities increased? How long does probation last? If the job is full time, thirty days is long enough. For a part time position, make it sixty days. This gives her time to find out if she likes the work, while you discern if the position matches with her skills and personal qualities.

Create an Individualized Job Description

The first hurdle is to explain the details of the job. No standard job description can include every expectation. Improve on this by writing brief instructions of each task. Even better, ask that she write her own notes about each item as you explain what you expect her to do. Keep the task list informal yet specific.

For someone who works on the floor of a retail store, a sample might include: a) Keep store clean and shelves stocked. b) Record all sales immediately and accurately. c) Give a warm greeting to every customer. d) Keep displays well organized and uncluttered. e) Return calls on answering machine within fifteen minutes. f) The shift starts fifteen minutes before the store opens, stressing the importance of being on time. Include any information that will give the new employee a bigger picture of his or her role.

Put this original job description in prospective employee's files. Hand her a copy, with instructions to keep it up to date regarding expanding responsibilities. Make it clear she must prove the ability not only to handle the tasks on the job, but also to show empathy with customers and co-workers. Explain that you want to hear her opinions and concerns as soon as they arise.

Focus on the worker's affinity for tasks, along with her effect on the emotional energy in your store. If she does not fit in, encourage her to find a job that is better suited to her skills and interests. Major problems in behavior or attitude, such as creating a scene or breaking a known rule, reveal immaturity and seldom improve with second chances. Let a mismatched or disrespectful worker go immediately.

Initiate Discussion As Part Of Training
Ask the following questions at the end of the first week. They are designed to deepen the candidate's understanding of the goals for your business and how he or she can help you achieve them. Take advantage of quiet times during work and ask about specific topics one at a time in your own style. Be sure to check in each week to see if there is follow-up on suggestions. Ask:

• What do you like so far about working here?

Caution: a) 'It's quiet and easy.' b) Looks around as if she weren't paying attention to details.

Welcome: a) 'I love the products and the people I work with.' b) 'Customers are great.' c) 'I like the way it's organized.'

Follow-up comments and questions: You want all employees to feel free to suggest new products, ideas for better service, and ways to improve business. To find out where the employee is most comfortable talking with you and brainstorm ideas, ask:

• How would you feel the most comfortable offering suggestions to me? In my office? Walking around the floor of the business?

It's your job to keep the interaction fresh. Ask at least once a week:

• What are you learning? What more are you ready to learn?

Caution: a) 'I'm reading some good stuff.' b) 'I'm doing okay. Job's pretty easy.' (or a shrug)

Welcome answers: a) 'I'm learning to research topics people are asking about.' b) 'How can I help increase sales?' c) 'How to run a store so it works well.'

Follow-up comments and questions: Your customers may need answers to very personal problems. Ask:

• What kind of questions are you getting from customers? How do you think you've handled them?'

Tell stories from your own learning experiences to model how you want them to handle problems. This encourages them to see you as a resource, making it easier to admit difficulties and ask your advice.

C. Evaluation Starts on Day One and Continues Throughout Probation
Evaluation consists of feedback and the formal hiring interview. Respectful evaluation allows you to measure your candidate's progress, and also builds the morale and loyalty that turns a good candidate into a terrific long-term employee.

Encourage mutual feedback

Feedback is informal and happens frequently. For those on probation, your feedback should give clear direction toward earning a permanent position. How they respond to your feedback offers major clues about whether you want them to work for you. You hope they feel appreciated when good work is noticed and gladly learn how to correct and prevent mistakes.

Watch for ways the prospect is being terrific on every shift. Did she restock shelves without being asked? Let her know you appreciate initiative. Thank her if you overhear her say, 'I don't know, but let me find out for you.' Tell her you are delighted if she asks for advice on ways to correct or prevent errors.

Positive comments help balance the times you notice errors. When addressing a problem, ask to speak to her alone as quickly as possible. Introduce your comment with a neutral phrase, such as 'I need you to handle something differently.' For repeated mistakes, ask her to describe exactly how the error occurs and provide training if needed. Have her write down corrective actions on her task list to reinforce the lesson.

To measure progress, initiate conversations during lulls. Invite her to offer her opinion before you comment by asking:

• How do you think you are doing so far? Anything you'd like to be doing more or less of?

Caution: a) 'I can't do everything you want me to.' b) 'It's boring sometimes.' c) 'I hate having to clean.' d) Any criticism about customers, unless asked with a question of what to do.

Welcome: a) 'I'd like to learn about product ordering/merchandise display, etc.' b) 'Please tell me what else you want me to do when not waiting on customers.' c) 'Where do you think I could improve?'

Follow-up comments and questions: Move around the work environment with them and discuss the tasks they might eventually take on. Explain the rationale for how you display merchandise. Describe in detail your vision of success. Affirm the importance of the small but key daily tasks that keep the business alive and thriving. Ask:

• Is there some way we can be more helpful in training you? Have any suggestions to improve how we operate?

Caution: a) Unjust or petty complaints about co-workers. b) Indifference or negative tone about the store. c) Not respecting your preferences for the store's policies or ambience.

Welcome: a) Asking for training or specific feedback. b) Requesting a review of tasks or scheduling, anything that shows she is committed to earning the position. c) Ideas that show growing awareness of how the store works--moving displays, suggesting new products or services.

Follow-up comments and questions: You might try one of her ideas to boost her investment in the business's success. If negative about other staff, ask what she needs to feel better about them. Is there a willingness to talk with them, or only complain? If your intuition tells you that he or she is not a team player, be glad you found out while still in probation.

Conduct A Formal Hiring Interview
The hiring interview signals the offer of a permanent position. This is your opportunity to speak privately about mutual job satisfaction and concerns. The prospect gets to express needs and expectations as well. If you are not going to hire the person, you don't need this step.

Arrange an hour of uninterrupted time. Begin by referring to the task list, asking the candidate how well she thinks she has been handling each specific item. One way is to ask her to grade her own performance on each key item, A to F. You then acknowledge the areas of accomplishment, and mutually discuss solutions to problem areas.

You will be relieved to find how honestly, even harshly, most will reflect on their weak areas. Your fears about being too critical fade as you reassure them that they are doing better than they think.

Waiting until they comment on their own progress makes it easier to point to the areas you want them to improve. Suggest training and ask how they would like to receive feedback on progress. This may be a chance to delegate new tasks. Upgrade the permanent job description to match expanded responsibilities.

End the interview with a celebration of her new status as an employee. Describe how she has become an asset to the business, and remind her you want to keep hearing about new ideas and suggestions.

Managers who use this format find they spend most hiring interviews sharing strategies with the new employee to improve morale and customer service.

The Reward of a Good Hiring Process Is Mutual Trust
Use these three elements of screening, probation, and evaluation to avoid making a snap decision on a long-term commitment. You establish the importance of the position by making the first interview deliberately formal, and having a defined probationary period for training. Prompt and respectful feedback saves you more time--not to mention sleepless nights--than any other form of employee communication. Each completed phase informs your intuition about whether you have the right person for the job.

From the moment that you invite people to apply to work with you, model how you want them to treat you and your customers--with honesty and respect. By continually orienting them to a bigger picture of your store's function and future goals, they will incorporate how their role is important in the success of your business.

Most important of all, you can confidently ask for the best from your employees. They will love their jobs and have learned to trust that you will listen to their ideas and concerns with respect.

Cynthia Wall, LCSW is a therapist, consultant, and the author of The Courage to Trust (Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publication, 2005). Starting her own practice and seminar business in 1985 opened her eyes to the complexity of managing personnel in even the smallest of ventures. In her workshops and individual consultations, she helps small businesses translate the successful strategies of larger corporations so they can supervise their employees with compassionate honesty.